Star tandem - friendship between a cat and a parrot

The expression “they live like a cat and a dog” has been refuted a thousand times by pet owners: fluffy animals easily get along together. But, as it turned out, there are more exotic couples who get along well with each other! Today, in our reportage, there is a delightful tandem of pets - the Maine Coon Arisha and the cockatiel parrot Arkasha, who live at Elena and Victor's houses.
Arisha becomes a star
A year ago, a charming three-month-old Maine Coon cat Arisha appeared in the family of Elena and Victor @meincoon_arisha. Like many representatives of this breed, Arisha was quite friendly and smart from birth, but in order for the cat to become the way you see on the screen, the owners put a lot of work into her upbringing. As a result, the kind and smart Arisha learned to jump over the hoop and greet the owners by the paw, and also rides around on a scooter, sitting on the back of the owner. Unlike many other cats, she is not afraid of the world outside the walls of the house, on the contrary, it seems interesting and mysterious to her.
Arisha's talents did not remain in the shadows for long: she was noticed, and soon the family took part in the TV show “Did you see the video?” on Channel One.
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Exit Arcadia
Before the New Year, Victor asked his Instagram followers what gift to give to a cute kitty. The options were different, but the most popular was the obvious answer. - Arisha needs a friend. So Corella Arkasha appeared in the family. Corella - the most beautiful bird of the cockatoo family, very smart and sociable.
For the first five days, Arkasha sat in a cage: the unfamiliar world frightened him a little. Arisha spent the first month with her new friend, helping him to adapt to the situation. She showed neither jealousy nor aggression, so soon Arkasha fluttered out of the cage towards a new loving family.
Daily life of social media stars
For the full development of active individuals, first of all, good nutrition is required. Both Arisha and Arkasha eat right: they eat professional food, healthy treats, take the necessary vitamins - after all, the stars should look and feel their best!
Now Arkasha is learning stage speech: he already knows how to sing loudly and melodiously, but he doesn’t speak yet. However, he more than compensates for his silence with manifestations of tenderness towards his girlfriend and towards the owners. Like Arisha, Arkasha loves affection from the owners, but the invasion of privacy, like other celebrities, is wary. Strangers star tandem does not favor.
Do not spill water
Arkasha really likes to play with Arisha, and sometimes he abuses her friendship a little.
For example, climbs on a fluffy back and drives around the house. However, the cat does not seem to mind.
They really are always together: they sleep together, they “do their homework” together - they teach teams, train with the owner, watch the amazing life outside the window together.
Sometimes it seems that even thoughts they have in common. This is a real disinterested and sincere friendship, the one that we all dream of.
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