A story about a good circus and miracles when the stars came together

How do you feel about circuses? Now many sources say that there is no such thing as a "circus with a kind face." But after all, the circus is its artists, who often spend their whole lives in the trouble and care of animals, their "colleagues" and wards, completely dependent on humans. Our reportage is about such an artist, kind and sensitive, a trainer of horses and dogs, Tatyana Shitova @shitovacircus.
Photo: @shitovacircus
- Tatyana, hello. How did your passion for horses start? How did you know it was your business?
– Since childhood, we have always had a lot of animals in our house, I can’t imagine a house without beloved and devoted friends. Passion for horses came later. In the circus of Stavropol, and I'm from this city, I started working as a gymnast, and my passion for horses came later. I have been working in the circus for 15 years.
Mini horses and dogs: cute photos about friendship and kindness
Photo: @shitovacircus
My number is called "High School of Riding with Russian Greyhounds", although the dogs there are not only greyhounds. But they are the main highlight of the room. That is, it turned out to be a very harmonious, holistic and interesting number. I can add that it is the only one of its kind, one might say, “unique” at the moment.
Video: @shitovacircus
The most interesting thing is that such devoted animals, and dogs, and horses - happened in my life at the same time. Probably, it's just that "the stars aligned", as often happens when life itself shows you the only right path.
Photo: @shitovacircus
- How does your day usually go? How do you manage everything? Who is helping you?
– My day usually starts at 5 am, depending on if I am on duty with the animals myself. Or at 6 am if one of the assistants is on duty, because we never leave animals unattended.
During the day, you need to clean the premises where the animals are kept, feed the horses 3 times a day (we prepare delicious muesli for them), you need to make sure that hay does not run out in the “reptukhs” (the so-called slow feeders for horses), because the horses must chew hay almost around the clock, with breaks for rest. That's the way they are. And still need 2 times a day feed the dogs.
Obedient dogs are waiting for mom to call each of them by name
Photo: @shitovacircus
Then rehearsals begin: we rehearse in the morning, very early, at 7-7:30. After the rehearsal, be sure to walk with all the animals and play, they love it very much.
For circus performers, physical training is important, so every day we work out in the gym: fitness, dancing.
There are also everyday "family" chores around the house, which no one has canceled. The child also requires attention, you need to walk with him, feed, work out.
This is how our day usually goes. And my husband helps me in many ways, he is also a number partner, many worries lie on his shoulders.
Video: @shitovacircus
And we also have animal care assistants, these are Alexander and Natalia, they have been working with me and my animals for more than 10 years. They became like family to us.
Yes, and of course, a lot of time is spent on blog work: content, posts, stories.
Photo: @shitovacircus
Do you remember all your animals? Do you single out someone? What animals are remembered and why?
- I remember and love everyone, each of them is individual, each is a personality, I remember every feature of the character and habits of my animals. If you start talking, it's for a few hours. They are all my favorites. Now I have my own animals - 2 horses and 9 dogs.
Photo: @shitovacircus
– We know that you work with such a wonderful horse as Kid. Tell us how you were lucky enough to find "your" horse? Was it a coincidence or were you purposefully looking for someone special?
- Yes, my horse is the Kid, we have a very strong inner, spiritual connection with him. Even strangers notice that we walk “in step”, turn our heads synchronously and even blink synchronously))
Photo: @shitovacircus
Video: @shitovacircus
How did you manage to find it? I don’t even know, coincidence, chance, fate. I saw an advertisement for the sale of a horse suitable for my criteria and budget. He was not the ideal and the horse of my dreams. But he became her. If you want the perfect horse, train it yourself. And so we did. Lots of communication, care and quality work.
Another horse is Boomer or Busya, whom I love no less. My husband now works more with him in the arena.
– Tanya, tell us about your dogs. Are all the artists in the room greyhounds?
Photo: @shitovacircus
- Russian canine greyhound (RPB) is a greyhound. Not a hound and not a cop, do not confuse, this is far from the same thing! This is a separate group, group 10 (greyhounds). Borzoi takes 4th place in the ranking of wolfhounds. A greyhound, though a greyhound, is a wolfhound. Yes, there are breeds like the Irish Wolfhound, but the word itself "wolfhound" is not a breed. This is a dog that can overcome, take wolf, hence the word itself. This classification includes several breeds. Even bearded giant schnauzer - also a wolfhound.
Video: @shitovacircus
Greyhounds don't follow the trail. They hunt "by sight" and, surprisingly, do not like to run much. They run fast, swiftly, up to 58 km/h. And then, if the dog sees "what to run for." But not for long. Yes, they need to move well, like any animal. If there is no goal, they scold each other a little and lie down to rest. Those who keep these dogs in the house know how energy efficient they are.
Photo: @shitovacircus
Contrary to beliefs, hunting dogs are not aggressive from the word "completely". And greyhounds are the most affectionate of them, this is a dog “about love”, and not “about aggression”.
We also have German kurtshaar Cake, beagle Justin and jack russell Jessie, who was rejected 3 times.
Most of my dogs are refuseniks or those who lived in terrible conditions, I bought all of them with my own money, but the point is not that, but that we take those who really need help.
Photo: @shitovacircus
– Now there is a lot of talk about cruelty to animals, this problem just “screams”, it happens all over the world. What can you say?
Cruelty has a scary face... Cruelty to animals, not just horses, is the scourge of our race. You must always start with yourself. Cruelty to an animal: anger, rage, severe punishment - this is unacceptable permissiveness and emotional licentiousness.
I believe that the flayer mask can take its rightful place next to the mask of Freddy Krueger, Jigsaw, Jason or Count Dracula. For it is no less terrible - it is real.
Photo: @shitovacircus
- What attracts you to such a difficult job?
- The work is not easy, but interesting. The circus is travel, the romance of nomadic life. We work in stationary circuses - branches of the Russian State Circus, 11 months a year I am on tour in other cities.
Photo: @shitovacircus
I saw our entire vast and beautiful country, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. I was on Baikal in all seasons, saw the Sayans and much, much more. All thanks to the tour.
In addition, it is communication with animals, almost 24 hours a day, an opportunity to understand and get to know them well.
These are performances, applause, beautiful costumes.
The circus is wonderful. This is no longer a profession, this is life.
Photo: @shitovacircus
– What adjustments did the pandemic and self-isolation make in your life and work with animals?
– The pandemic and self-isolation only affected the public part of the work. There were no performances, but we spent the whole period as usual. We rehearsed, walked with animals, and the state did not stop our maintenance, we received a salary and everything we needed.
The only negative is that due to the pandemic, the release of our updated version of the number with horses and dogs was postponed for almost a year.
But there are pluses)) Thanks to the pandemic and the lack of work in the arena, I started creating my own course on working and training horses. Finally made up my mind. I have been teaching online for almost a year now. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped))
Photo: @shitovacircus
- Yes. This is very interesting. Here's about your work online, can you elaborate? You have your own website dressura-loshadi.ru. By the way, we advise all our readers to take a look, it is very interesting!
– Today, my horses and I work equally effectively in all equestrian genres. Working on cordeo and on a completely naked horse, riding two whips, working on long and short reins, classical riding school. My work with horses is based on extensive experience in the circus and the training of other animal species. In addition to horses, I have worked and trained ponies, ostriches, parrots, wild boars, monkeys, kangaroos, cats and many others.
And I realized that the principles of trust-leadership and incentive reinforcement work equally effectively on all types of animals.
Photo: @shitovacircus
Since 2018, I started blogging on Instagram under the nickname @shitovacircus, where I tell and show all aspects of working in the circus, the life and training of animals. I share knowledge, participate in many equestrian projects. I started this blog as a window into the backstage of the circus, I wanted to show people that the circus does not mean cruelty and bad conditions.
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On Instagram, I began to receive offers for individual training, many messages asking for help in working with a horse, after which people returned to me with gratitude.
And in March 2020, I created the first Training Marathon, which brought together people from all over Russia and even from beyond its borders. Then, with the help of the participants of my marathon, we created the "Online School of Circus Training", which consists of several courses, depending on the level of the rider.
- Yes, Tatyana, your life is so rich and interesting. What do you think about how diverse online courses are practical and useful in our time?
– Yes, we talked about this with the subscribers of my blog. The majority, including myself, believe that in such a difficult time of ours, it is necessary to choose any courses very responsibly. The first thing you should pay attention to is the qualifications and experience of the teacher. The Internet provides a lot of opportunities, it saves time and money, and you can learn everything. You won't believe it - even horseback riding! The success of my students just proves it.
Photo: @shitovacircus
– Tanya, what would you like to say at the end of the interview to our readers?
- I love the circus, but I do not impose my opinion on anyone. But how much beauty and depth of emotions in a good circus show! "Live", without a soundtrack, special effects and understudies. This cannot be seen simultaneously in any theatrical performance.
Photo: @shitovacircus
In life and in work, one must only go forward, in spite of any difficulties. And our animals are devoted friends for life, each of them has a huge heart, the main thing is to find the key to it and not ask for more than it can now give.
Photo: @shitovacircus
I wish everyone that everyone in life “has formed all the stars” and, preferably, into constellations!