The Japanese Chin is a breed of dog native to Asia. There, this dog is considered the best animal - a companion. The Japanese Chin is different


The Labrador Retriever was bred to be a working dog with a friendly personality. Initially, these animals were indispensable helpers for fishermen. They helped drag fishing gear,


The Poodle is a dog with unsurpassed intelligence and great clown artistry. Inexhaustible energy and cheerful character make this breed excellent


The Maltese or Maltese is a very gentle but also fearless breed. Glamorous white fur gives the animal a special noble appearance, but not


To obtain excellent guard dogs, dog breeders began to cross short-haired shepherd dogs with Rottweilers, black and tan terriers and German pinschers. As a result of such

Dwarf pincher

Miniature Pinscher (zwergpinscher) is not a miniature Doberman, although his fearlessness is akin to this breed. This little dog is suitable for an experienced


Greyhounds (they are also English greyhounds) are graceful, but at the same time very hardy and powerful dogs, whose homeland is Great Britain. Ancestors

Italian Greyhound

Greyhounds (small Italian greyhounds) are small dogs whose weight ranges from 2.7-5 kg. They are considered the smallest of all


The Kurzhaar (German Shorthaired Pointer, or German Pointer) is a versatile hunting dog capable of hunting on water and on land. Male kurtshaar