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Photo of Italian Greyhound | dreamtime.com   

Brief description of the Italian greyhound breed

 In appearance, the greyhounds resemble a small copy greyhounds - popular hunting dogs English origin. The life expectancy of Italian Greyhounds is approximately 12-15 years. Miniature dogs of this breed are characterized by an elongated narrowed rounded head shape with pronounced brow ridges. The transition area from the forehead to the muzzle of the dog is not pronounced, the cheekbones are dry. The muzzle of the greyhound is elongated, tapering to the tip of the black nose. The jaws of the greyhound have a scissor bite. The eyes are oval, large, lively, dark in color. The ears are high-set, small, bent on the cartilage and set aside in opposite directions or at the back of the head. The neck is moderately muscular and dry, equal to the length of the head. The chest of the greyhound is narrow. The length of the body is equal to the length of the height of the dog at the withers, the back is straight and muscular, convex in the region of moderately muscular croup. The tail is thin in diameter, set low. The limbs are straight, with dry muscles in the front and with a more pronounced rear. The coat of Italian greyhounds is short all over the body, shiny and smooth. Color can be black, gray, fawn, blue or isabella shades (possible white markings on the chest and legs).

Greyhounds are most often purchased as companion dogs, as their diminutive size and accommodating nature are ideal for keeping in city apartments. Such dogs can perfectly join almost every family. - young or old, active or calm. Nevertheless, greyhounds, being hunting greyhounds (although very graceful), can perfectly show themselves while hunting medium-sized game and birds (hare, partridge). True, in Russia, larger hunting breeds are acquired as assistants, which are more adapted to the characteristics of our area. Thus, although Italian greyhounds are most often presented as decorative dogs for the delight of the master's gaze, they combine the same qualities as large greyhounds. - hunting instinct, endurance when chasing a beast, playfulness. Small Italian greyhounds also participate (and have many fans) in dog racing. However, in our country, greyhounds have been playing the role of pets for several centuries. - small, good-natured and quite affectionate.


Basic information about the Italian greyhound breed

Breed name: Greyhound
Country of origin: Italy
The time of the birth of the breed: 6000 years ago
Type of: greyhounds
The weight: 2.7 - 5 kg
Height (height at the withers): 38 - 40 cm
Life Expectancy: 12 - 15 years old
ICF classification:
Group 10, Section 3, Number 200
Puppies price: 750 – 1470 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for the greyhound


Assessment of the characteristics of the Italian greyhound breed


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(Tendency towards tolerance of cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



Greyhound photo:

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The history of the origin of the Italian greyhound breed

Researchers of the breed claim that the approximate age of graceful greyhounds is at least 6000 years. Proof of this is the discovery during excavations by archaeologists of ancient Egyptian structures, tombs of pharaohs and temples, where numerous images were found. dogsresembling Italian greyhounds - small, with long and narrow heads, slender greyhounds. In addition, in the middle of the 20th century, scientists found skeletons of dogs in the tombs of the pharaohs and priests of Ancient Egypt, which are absolutely identical in appearance to modern greyhounds. According to legend, in the territory of modern Italy, miniature greyhounds appeared in one of the most famous Roman leaders. - Gaius Julius Caesar. And according to the same legend, a no less odious figure acted as a donor of dogs - Queen of Egypt Cleopatra (big fan of the breed). Naturally, it is not known for certain how exactly small greyhounds spread around the world at that distant time. But many centuries later, around the 16th-18th century AD, small greyhounds became extremely popular among the nobility of many European countries, and emperors (Peter I, Catherine II, etc.) and their entourage also had these dogs in Rus'. The name of the breed appeared around the Middle Ages, it was based on the French "li? vre" - "hare", that is, a dog for hunting a hare. The breed was officially recognized only at the beginning of the 20th century, when more and more often Italian greyhounds began to be started not for the sake of hunting, but for the entertainment of rich people. At the same time, the breeders decided to inject whippet blood into the greyhounds and miniature pinscher to preserve the greyhound type and small stature.

Both World Wars threatened the existence of these dogs. In our country, however, a decline in interest in Italian greyhounds occurred after the October Revolution, when these small dogs began to be considered toys of the bourgeois and noble societies so hated by the working people. However, Italian greyhounds have survived all the difficulties and have become popular all over the world again. These dogs were loved by ancient rulers, medieval nobility, as well as famous personalities of modern times. Today, a fragile Italian greyhound can easily be seen on the street, faithfully mincing on a leash behind her master. - a simple resident of a modern city.


The nature of the dog breed Italian Greyhound

Greyhounds are mostly considered good-natured dogs, sensitive to the manifestation of affection and aggression towards themselves. They are quite mobile (they love to play, jump, run), but if necessary, they adapt well to the calm way of the family. If the owner does not have time for long and active walks, Italian Greyhounds can also adapt to short-term walking. Other pets in the house are treated well (both dogs and cats), however, you should not buy a greyhound for those families where they already live large dogs with leadership qualities, since such a canine union can be deplorable for a slender Italian greyhound. For the same reason, Italian greyhounds are advised to start those owners whose children have crossed the threshold of thoughtless curiosity, when a child can cripple an animal during a game. Greyhounds are unobtrusive, they can find something to do if the owner is busy and cannot pay attention to the animal. They say that greyhounds subtly feel not only the mood of the owner, but also the state of his health. So it is not uncommon for a dog to be next to an ill owner, as if understanding and sympathizing with him. Such dogs are very affectionate and reverent towards their owner, they treat the guests of the house calmly, but with a possible threat they can raise a serious bark. These are smart, energetic and quite trainable dogs that are able to become true friends of man.


Maintenance and care

Greyhound - dog, which can only be kept indoors, since it does not tolerate frost, dampness and drafts well. In addition, in cold weather, the owner will have to put warm clothes and shoes on the dog so that the short-haired dog does not get cold and sick during the walk. Such dogs often freeze even in an apartment, but you should not constantly wrap the animal. It is enough on the most frosty days, when it is cool in the house or apartment, to warm the dog by putting on a knitted or fleece jumpsuit (or jacket). The rest of the time, the dog at home should be “hardened”, otherwise any breeze on the street will be fraught with a cold. By the way, for a freezing greyhound, you can install a toilet tray where the dog can relieve himself without going out into the cold.

As mentioned earlier, these dogs can adapt to short walks, but it is better if the owner can find the opportunity to travel with the dog out of town and active walks. And so that the Italian greyhound is not overly impressionable, it is worth accustoming it to new places, people, and dogs from a young age.

Italian greyhound hair care is not difficult - Combing several times a week with a brush or rubberized mitt. Bathing is carried out as needed (preferably no more than 2 times a year), just wash your paws after a walk. A necessary condition for keeping an Italian greyhound is the control of the teeth of such a dog (brushing teeth, removing tartar by a veterinarian, purchasing treats for cleaning teeth), since Italian Greyhounds often suffer from dental problems. It is also obligatory to clean the ears, wipe the eyes with a damp cotton swab, and trim the nails. Owners of Italian greyhounds note that their pets are very clean and do not have a “smell”.


Training and education

We must not forget that in terms of temperament even a pet dog of this breed does not cease to be a hunter. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a dog ill-bred from childhood to steal a tidbit from the table, to chase small animals or rodents, while walking without a leash, it is able to run after an inanimate object driven by the wind. In addition, the dog can show feelings in the form of jumping on people for joy. Therefore, from the first days you should begin to accustom the dog to the rules of good behavior in the house and on the street. It’s not worth it for fun to let a puppy eat food prepared for people, gnaw on things, run on its own during a walk, separately from the owner. Moreover, training a greyhound will not be too difficult, since this breed is distinguished by excellent intelligence and diligence. But these dogs always react strongly to the mood of the owner and his emotions, so you should not break into a cry if at the beginning of training the puppy does not immediately follow the commands. Most often, Italian greyhounds go through a general obedience course, during which they master basic commands and skills.


Health and disease

Greyhounds, so fragile in appearance, are not overly problematic in terms of health. Throughout their lives, they are active and curious, they can even cross the age of 15. Most often, greyhounds suffer from such diseases: eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, retinal atrophy, corneal dystrophy), epilepsy, dental problems (plaque, tartar, tooth loss), alopecia (baldness), Perthes disease (necrosis of tissues of the femoral head) .


Some interesting facts about the Italian greyhound breed

  • Italian Greyhounds are often referred to as "wind toys". According to some admirers of dogs, this is how the name of the breed is translated from German (instead of the prosaic French version, according to which the name of the breed comes from the word "hare"). "Toy of the Wind" - it is also the name of the holiday that took place in Peterhof in honor of the Italian greyhound Empress Catherine II - Zemirs (whose ancestors are greyhounds of English origin). A passionate lover of dogs of this breed, the empress grieved so much for her deceased favorite that she even ordered to build a tomb for Zemira and her relatives like an ancient pyramid, ordering poems for an epitaph from a French diplomat, ambassador at the court of Louis-Philippe Segur. You can see Catherine with a greyhound (presumably Zemira herself) in the painting by the artist Borovikovsky.
  • These dogs and in the literary works of Russian classics (A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky), as well as on canvases depicting persons of noble blood.

Nurseries and breeders

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