"Never give up!" - the story of a dog with a difficult fate

Dear Readers! Today we will tell you the story of Flynn, a basset hound that went through difficult trials. The examples from the life of this dog are so impressive that everyone will be interested in reading this report. Special thanks for the love, care and tremendous effort put into saving her pet - Stephanie Ivankovich from Colorado, USA. You can read all the details on her Instagram blog: @fighterflynn
- Stephanie, hello! We are very happy to talk with you today! Please tell us about your dog: how did she get to you, at what age?
I adopted and adopted my dog basset hound, from Iowa Animal Rescue League, (Animal Rescue League of Iowa), is the largest Iowa a non-profit animal shelter that cares for many thousands of pets each year. ARL works with pets from all over the state. Flynn was then about 6 months old. Now she is already 7 years old.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
What kind of dog was Flynn?
Flynn became a very good dog: smart, very affectionate and very fond of me, and I fell in love with her. I always call Flynn “my little princess”, she has a soft bed, lots of treats and toys at her disposal.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
I travel a lot with my dogs (there is another basset hound in the house, friend Flynn). We all go on trips to the sea together, visit the beaches, walk in the mountains, arrange fun walks with other dogs, dog birthdays with gifts and treats.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
I often take Flynn to work with me, because this dog is very sweet and everyone likes it, she knows all my friends! We can say that Flynn's life has always been like all happy dogs in a loving family. Flynn means so much more to me than just a pet.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
- Stephanie, of course, it's hard to talk about problems with the dog. But how did Flynn's health problems start?
Yes, it's all hard enough, but that's life. 1.5 years ago, Flynn tried to jump on my bed, but she fell and injured her spine. At first there were no symptoms, but the next morning she started whining, breathing heavily, completely lost her appetite and was lethargic. I took her to the vet, she was given painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills for her back pain, but as the day progressed she got worse. During a slow walk, Flynn's hind legs gave out and she became paralyzed.
She needed emergency spinal surgery and Flynn was rushed to an emergency animal hospital. Iowa State University v Ames.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
On the eve of her last visit to the vet, I slept next to her on the floor. I cried looking at her, because she was in so much pain! These last 48 hours have been a nightmare, I agreed to the operation and everything to save her from pain.
I thank God that her operation was successful and she learned to walk again.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Stephanie, how was your recovery going? Was it difficult?
The rehabilitation took about 2 months, I was always next to my beloved dog. I took her out for walks, using slings to let her rest in the fresh air. Flynn took painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, I gave her special massages, slept at night next to her couch on the floor, put her on a special diet and gave her all my love.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
It was a long road to recovery and hard financially. That's why I created a fundraiser in GoFundMe, I was helped by strangers, for which I am very grateful to them!
Soon my dog was walking! Slowly at first, and then all movements recovered.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
“But, unfortunately, Flynn's health problems continued, right, Stephanie?” What happened next?
8 weeks after her spine surgery, we went for a check-up and the vets confirmed that her spine is completely healthy! But during rehabilitation, Flynn developed a tumor under the eye with a diameter of 18 cm.
Photo: @fighterflynn
On the same visit, she was examined and confirmed to be a salivary gland tumor, which was immediately removed at the Iowa State University (ISU) hospital. After the operation, which went very well, the doctors told us that it was a malignant tumor, which, unfortunately, managed to affect Flynn's eye as well.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Was there another operation? How did you endure all this together?
Yes, doctors had to remove one dog's eye, two lymph nodes, and three facial bones to keep the cancer from spreading.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
I was scared when all this happened. Flynn is my life, and when I saw that she could no longer walk, I was devastated. When I found out that she had advanced cancer, my heart sank. But I believed that she could do it! I thank the excellent professionals - veterinarians from the University of Iowa for their help!
Many people I know advised me to euthanize the dog. But I didn’t even listen to them: every operation was given to Flynn so hard, but she fought, and I had to stay strong for her. Flynn is the strongest dog I know!
After all that, once Flynn is fully recovered, I take her regularly to the vet for checkups.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
How is Flynn feeling now? How does she spend her days?
Now she is cancer-free and healthy! She's doing great! Some days are a little better than others, but she's happy and keeps wagging her tail! She is really happy: in the last year she has started going for regular walks again, hiking in the mountains, starting daily swimming in the river (in summer) and giving people hundreds of smiles.
Video: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
We even started another blog: @oneeyedflynn , where my dog shares his impressions of new travels. We travel a lot like before))
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
Describe your relationship with Flynn now. What did she become, how did she pass all the tests?
Flynn is truly my best friend. I take her to my work, to eat somewhere, I take her with me everywhere! When I first adopted her, she was afraid of people. Now she loves everyone and everyone loves her!
Photo: @fighterflynn
Photo: @fighterflynn
Flynn comforts me and I love her very much. She also loves me and follows me everywhere and is sad when I have meetings at work, but I can’t take her with me. Flynn is a fighter. All this time she was so strong. I thank God Flynn is so resilient. I even think that she does not know that she has only one eye.
Photo: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
I'm incredibly lucky to have Flynn in my life. It's been a really tough year for us, but I'm so glad she's walking again and cancer free! She amazes me in every way. She's been through a lot, but her tail never stopped wagging.
Video: @fighterflynn
– Stephanie, what can you advise and wish the readers of our site who have dogs with similar problems?
You must always believe and never give up. God is so kind and dogs are so resilient. Be strong for them and they will be strong too. Never give up!
Video: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
And here are the wishes to everyone from Flynn herself!
“Enjoy every day! Take time to smell the breeze and enjoy the fresh air! Enjoy the little things every minute! Celebrate every day with a small victory, swim, walk, explore the mountains, meet new people every day and make everyone you meet happy!
Video: @fighterflynn
Video: @fighterflynn
I went through spinal surgery, I fought cancer, but my tail is always wagging with happiness, and he never lies - I live my best life!
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