The name of the breed literally translates as "little lion". But this dog has little in common with a lion. The Shih Tzu is bred exclusively as an affectionate and kind companion dog who loves to spend time in the room with his family. Recently, however, Shih Tzu has been increasingly taking part in various sports competitions.


Photo of Shih Tzu |

Brief description of the Shih Tzu breed

These dogs are described as very beautiful small animals with long hair, which are distinguished by their majestic appearance and friendly disposition. The growth of females and males of this breed does not differ, on average it is 20-25 cm, and the weight varies from 4.5 to 5 kg. Dogs of this breed can boast that they were the court inhabitants of the Chinese monarchs of the Ming family.

The first thing that catches our eye when we see a Shih Tzu is flowing long hair and an elegantly tied tuft. The appearance of the dog is really pretentious and elegant. The image is truly worthy of kings.

Shih Tzu cannot live without the attention of his master, because the breed was bred specifically to be a faithful companion of man. For this dog, the greatest pleasure is to be enveloped in the attention and love of the family.

In fact, the Shih Tzu is an affectionate, kind dog, similar to a plush toy, but with a real kind soul, filled with love and the desire to be loved.

Shih Tzu is unpretentious. Your pet will feel comfortable in small city apartment, and in the open spaces of a huge farm.

The size of the dog requires special attention from the owner, especially if the animal is on the street. The fact is that often these dogs become victims of attacks more large relatives. It is worth noting that attention should also be shown when the dog plays with children.

It is noteworthy that sometimes Shih Tzu is called "chrysanthemum". The reason for this was the hair on the muzzle, which grows in different directions, as a result, the muzzle of the Shih Tzu is really somewhat reminiscent of a chrysanthemum.

Another feature of the breed is bite. The fact is that the structure of the jaw (the lower jaw is somewhat wider than the upper one) in these dogs is such that when the teeth are closed, the jaw does not close completely, forming a kind of “overshot”.

There are more than enough legends about Shih Tzu dogs. One of them says that the Buddha traveled with a small dog, the description of which is completely similar to Shih Tzu. One day robbers came to the Buddha to rob and kill him. Then little dog turned into a ferocious lion and drove out the robbers. After that, the lion again turned into a kind and affectionate dog.

Some unscrupulous breeders try to sell more expensive Shih Tzu, citing the fact that the puppy belongs to the breed of the "imperial" Shih Tzu. There is no such breed!

Shih Tzu puppies are not easy to potty train. You have to be consistent and be patient. You should not allow a puppy to walk around the house without supervision until such time as you teach him to ask to use the toilet.

The somewhat flattened muzzle of the animal makes this dog sensitive to heat. Shih Tzu can get heatstroke. The thing is that the flow of hot air that enters the lungs is not cooled enough, which leads to heat stroke. In hot weather, it is better to limit the time of walking.

It is no coincidence that many families with children decide to have a Shih Tzu. This is a great choice for those with small children. The small size of the pet and its friendliness are the main components that make an excellent Shih Tzu. pet for kids.

An important feature of dogs of this breed is a kind of wheezing and snoring, as well as a tendency to problems with teeth.

While all dogs can eat feces, Shih Tzus are especially prone to this unflattering behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the dog afterbirth in a timely manner, and constantly monitor the animal during walks.

If you want a healthy puppy, don't buy from a random breeder or pet store. Look for a trusted dog breeder, preferably on the recommendation of acquaintances or friends who have already purchased dogs from him.


basic information

Breed name: shih tzu
Country of origin: Tibet
The time of the birth of the breed: 8000 BC
Type of: decorative and companion dogs
The weight: 4.5 - 5 kg
Height (height at the withers): 20 - 25 cm
Life Expectancy: 10 – 16 years old
ICF classification:
Group 9, Section 5, Number 208
Puppies price: 150 – 740 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for shih tzu


Evaluation of the characteristics of the Shih Tzu breed


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



Shih Tzu photo:


Origin story

The history of the origin of the Shih Tzu is very ancient, therefore it is riddled with secrets and obscure facts. Recent studies have shown that the Shih Tzu is one of the oldest dogs in China and the world. Its history dates back to approximately 8000 BC!

Many are sure that the breed was bred by Tibetan monks, and later these dogs were presented to the Chinese emperor. There is a hypothesis that Shih Tzu were bred as a result of crossing breeds such as Lhasa Apso and Pekingese.

Regardless of where the breed was bred: in Tibet or in China, one thing is clear that the popularity of the Shih Tzu began in ancient times and has survived to this day. For example, in the paintings belonging to the Tang Dynasty, which date back to 618-907 BC. there are images of dogs very similar to Shih Tzu.

There are many references to this dog in a number of historical documents. For example, from the letters of Marco Polo it is known that the Mongol emperor Kubla Khan (13th century) kept "small lions", but the animals were not wild, but on the contrary, they were full of love and tenderness.

Some documents mention that during the reign of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), "lion dogs" with a muzzle resembling a chrysanthemum were kept at the imperial court. Most likely, we are talking about Shih Tzu.

In documents dated 1770-1900, there are not so many references to such dogs. Yet in the works of art of that time, you can find images of Shih Tzu.

In 1861, the Shih Tzu became popular in the imperial court. One of the imperial decrees stated that those who were seen in the publishing house of court dogs would be put to death. This decree belonged to Empress Ci Xi, who was very fond of animals.

At one time, the Dalai Lama handed over several "lion dogs" to Empress Ci Xi. They say that the court dogs had their own palace, and the animals themselves were taught to wave their paws when the empress appeared before them.

After the death of Empress Ci Xi in 1908, many royal families began to compete in breeding these dogstrying to get the best color and coat. The details of this selection were kept secret. "Unsuccessful" specimens were sold in local markets, and the best puppies given to foreign rulers.

In 1928, a female and a male Shih Tzu were brought to England from Beijing for the first time.


Shih Tzu character

The Shih Tzu is bred to be the ultimate companion dog. The main desire of a pet is to be close to its owner. You can not count on the fact that the Shih Tzu will be a watchman or, for example, a hunter. The main character trait is devotion. These dogs are very attached to their family. Dogs of this breed are very cheerful and active, as a rule, they react to strangers with barking, but they always find a common language with guests.


Maintenance and care

Grooming a Shih Tzu is quite labor intensive. To remove tangles and prevent tangles in the coat, you will need to brush your pet daily. In this case, it is necessary to comb out carefully. Those dog owners who are not going to participate in exhibitions often decide to cut their pet. This, of course, greatly facilitates the process of caring for wool. If you decide to cut your Shih Tzu, you will have to do it about once every two months.

Check your ears weekly for inflammation, irritation, and infection. You need to clean the ear canals and shells with a special solution prescribed by a veterinarian. At least once a week, you need to pay attention to your teeth and brush them thoroughly. This will prevent problems with gums and teeth. Since Shih Tzus are prone to dental problems, the number of brushing sessions can be greatly increased. Nails are trimmed once a month or as needed.


Training and education

Starting to train a Shih Tzu is quite difficult. But as soon as these dogs understand that for each command they get a treat, everything immediately gets better. Training must begin as early as possible. The lessons themselves should be short in order to always maintain the interest of the animal. Most often, the entire training course lasts from six to eight months. Sometimes some owners decide to take the puppy into the hands of a professional trainer, which is also not bad.


Health and disease

Shih Tzu can suffer from various diseases, but there are certain ailments that animals are especially prone to. A common problem is with the teeth, which can become crooked or even fall out as the puppy grows. This is due to the features of the skull and jaws. A small mouth leads to the fact that the teeth simply do not fit and begin to deform due to crowding. Periodontal disease is another dental problem. Frequent visits to the veterinarian will help to solve health problems in time.


Some interesting facts

  • Shih Tzus are difficult to toilet train. Be consistent and don't let your puppy walk around the house unsupervised until you have potty trained him.
  • The flattened shape of the Shih Tzu's head is the reason why the dog does not tolerate heat well. The inhaled hot air does not have time to cool and can lead to heat stroke. During the heat it is better to avoid walking. In the apartment, the air temperature should also not be very high.
  • Be prepared to brush pet every day, otherwise the hair will become tangled.
  • Despite the fact that Shih Tzu get along well with children, families with very young children should not purchase this dog, as this can lead to pet injuries.
  • Shih Tzus are prone to dental problems, wheezing, and snoring.
  • Many dogs are prone to eating feces, but the Shih Tzu is the real leader in this unpleasant activity. Clean up immediately after your pet has gone to the toilet.

Nurseries and breeders

We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan