For people who hunt, it is of great importance the right choice of a hunting dog... The choice is especially difficult for beginners. The history of hunting dogs is rooted in antiquity. After all, dogs are among the first animals tamed by man. These animals became not only excellent guards and friends for our ancient ancestors, but also impeccable hunters. Since then, the breeding began hunting dogs... True, it must be said that in parallel with this, shepherd breeds were bred. Over the entire period, a huge number of hunting breeds were bred, but we will focus on their main types: hounds and cops.       

Hounds dog breeds They are distinguished by their sharp scent and loud voice, which they use during the pursuit of the victim. Of course, loud barking will not be entirely pleasant for ordinary four-legged lovers living in the city, but for a hunter, the barking of a dog chasing a prey is the main advantage. In addition, hounds are very hardy, so they practically do not get tired, even during a long pursuit of their goal. An important quality of the hounds is the love of games, transferred to the hunting qualities. The fact is that these dogs drive animals that like to hide in the hollows of trees and do not release them until the hunter approaches.

Pointing dog breeds designed for hunting various game and small fur-bearing animals, for example, a rabbit or a hare. This group is divided into three subgroups: pointerspaniel (raising game) and retriever... The main goal of all hunting dogs: to drive the victim or scare away, and after the shot to catch up with the wounded game and bring it to the owner. V unlike hounds, cop dogs They look for prey not by the smell of traces left, but find disguised victims with the help of keen hearing and sight, as well as by the smell in the air.

The main priority when choosing a hunting dog should be its "specialization", that is, what kind of animals your four-footed friend will hunt. For example, if you like to hunt pheasant, then it is better to choose cops, rather than hounds. Naturally, any animal can be trained, but nevertheless, it is very difficult to overcome the animal's natural instincts!

The way of hunting also plays an important role in the choice of a hunting breed. For example, a cop will raise the game up and wait for the shot, after which he will run after the prey. But if you want the dog to find the bird, and then wait for you, so that the shot was from the shortest possible distance, then it is better to stop your choice on a spaniel. It's the same with hounds. These animals will bark constantly all the way through the pursuit of the victim. But what if you want the dog to start barking even after the victim is caught and startled? Thus, for the correct choice of a hunting dog, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the hunting method.

Newbie hunters do not always know the difference between a German Shorthaired Pointer and an English Pointer, or between an Epagnol Breton and an English Setter. The methods of hunting dogs can be exactly the same, but the animals themselves are distinguished by their endurance, versatility and a desire to please their owner. Thus, when choosing a specific hunting breed, it is necessary to take into account absolutely all the specified nuances.

Education and training of an animal is the most important condition for raising an excellent hunting dog... Most dog breeders agree that it is necessary to train a quadruped from an early age, although good training results can be achieved even by training a dog after a year of its life. Only a specialist should be engaged in training. If you want to be the owner of a real hunter dog, then entrust its education to a professional!

List of hunting dog breeds with name, description and photo:

American Cocker Spaniels are known and loved in Russia, as well as in their homeland. - in the USA. Originally bred as a hunting dog, they do an excellent job of being a companion dog and show excellent results during sporting events.



Legends say that Basset Hounds are originally from Constantinople, from where they came to Europe during the Crusades. The British believe that the basset has been known in England since the 16th century.



Jack Russell Terrier - reliable representative of hunting dogs, whose origin - United Kingdom. These dogs have successfully hunted foxes for many years. Jack Russell does an excellent job with his duties as a hunter.



Golden retriever - it is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. He is friendly and affectionate, such qualities make the Golden Retriever an excellent pet, which is distinguished by tenderness and intelligence.


Ирландский волкодав

English Cocker Spaniels first became known at the beginning of the 20th century, and work on their breeding began in the 1880s. From the name of the breed it is clear that England is the homeland of the English cockers.



The Labrador Retriever is bred as a working dog with a friendly disposition. Initially, these animals were indispensable helpers for fishermen. They helped haul fishing gear, retrieve fish from the cold waters of the North Atlantic.


Немецкий ягдтерьер

The greyhound was bred in Russia as a hunting dog. These animals were hunted in groups, most often foxes, rabbits and wolves. They later became popular throughout Europe as dogs. - companions.


Русская гончая

Dachshund - a breed of dog that is specially adapted for tracking badgers in burrows, hence its name: "Dachshund" - in translation from German "Dachs" means badger, and "Hund" - dog.





Airedale - This is an intelligent, balanced and playful dog, which earned its popularity among dog breeders. The Airedale is often referred to as the King of Terriers. He received this title due to the fact that he is the largest representative among the dogs of this group. The breed originated in the Eyre Valley, located in Yorkshire.


Эстонская гончая