German Shepherds are amazingly loyal, intelligent and noble dogs. Appearing in Germany at the end of the 19th century, German Shepherds were mainly acquired as assistants in driving and herding livestock. But their innate qualities - balance, obedience, quick reaction in unusual situations - have made German Shepherds excellent service dogs, guide dogs for blind and visually impaired people. Often dogs are like this breeds are purchased for territory protection and as a four-legged friend for the whole family. And in the vast majority of cases, they cope with the assigned tasks excellently.

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Brief description of the German Shepherd breed

Pros of the German Shepherd breed

  • Ideal family dog;
  • Strongly attached to the owner;
  • German Shepherds are very intelligent;
  • Representatives of this breed are easy to train;
  • Get along well with children of different ages;
  • They are excellent protectors and watchmen;
  • They achieve success in many dog competitions;
  • With proper upbringing, they become responsible and reliable;
  • They are easy to care for.
Cons of the German Shepherd breed
  • Not the best choice for those who are getting a dog for the first time;
  • May be aggressive towards other people's dogs;
  • Need a lot of training and mental stress;
  • Male dogs can be dominant;
  • They shed heavily;
  • May suffer from certain hereditary diseases;
  • It is not advisable to keep them in an apartment.


basic information

Breed name: German Shepherd
Country of origin: Germany
The time of the birth of the breed: late 19th century
Type of: herders and cattle
The weight: 20 – 45 kg
Height (height at the withers): 55 - 65 cm
Life Expectancy: 10 - 15 years old
ICF classification:
Group 1, Section 1, Number 166
Puppies price: 120 – 1500 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for German Shepherd

Assessing the characteristics of the German Shepherd breed


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



Appearance of a German Shepherd

The appearance of these dogs breeds They are well known to every resident of our country, since these animals appear more often than others in television films and TV series. The Germans have a proportional build, their structure is strong and muscular. The head of shepherd dogs has an elongated wedge-shaped shape, the neck is massive, muscular, the lower back is lowered towards the croup, the limbs are long and parallel to each other. German Shepherds are characterized by larger-than-average triangular-shaped ears, almond-shaped honey-brown eyes, and dark (black) pigmentation on the nose and lips.

German Shepherds can be... long-haired (elongated coarse hair in the areas of the ears, tail), and smooth-haired. The prevailing opinion is that long-haired shepherds are mestizos (born from crossing a German shepherd and a dog of another breeds) is not true, since smooth-haired parents often give birth to long-haired babies. However, in 2010, long-haired shepherd dogs were recognized as a separate breed, although the habits and basic character traits of dogs with shorter and longer hair are absolutely identical.

 Height German Shepherd males reach 60-65 cm, females - 55-60 cm. The weight of dogs varies from 35 to 45 kg for males and from 20 to 30 kg for females. Color dogs of this breed are quite diverse - plain black, black with markings of a light (brown, fawn, yellow) shade, black-and-white. Lifespan German Shepherds age is 10-15 years; in rare cases, dogs can cross the 15-year mark.


German Shepherd photo:

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History of the origin of the German Shepherd

The most significant person who gave almost 40 years of his life for the benefit of the emergence and prosperity of the breed is considered to be a retired German cavalry captain named Max Emil Frederick von Stefanitz. Von Stefanitz chose a military career at the behest of his mother, while he himself dreamed of farming. More than once the young captain observed large flocks of sheep and shepherd dogs grazing, which were inferior in both size and number to artiodactyls. But the dogs coped brilliantly with the herds entrusted to them. - without unnecessary fuss, quickly, without allowing the sheep to wander around the area. At that time (approximately 1880-1890) all herding dogs were called shepherd dogs (from the word shepherd - sheep shepherd), which did not mean that all grazing animals were one breeds. Von Stephanitz's idea was to present to the world a breed that would combine the best qualities of the shepherd dogs of that time. Moreover, in addition to helping in shepherding, the dog, according to von Stephanitz, should have traits that could become valuable in official work. And these qualities were as follows: endurance, obedience, loyalty, intelligence, the ability to stand up for the flock and the shepherd.

Von Stefanitz, who left military service, began to work closely on developing a new breed, founding the famous German Shepherd Society in the 1890s. By crossing the best individuals, the founder of the breed improved the process, noting the slightest nuances that influenced the quality of the offspring. In 1899, von Stephanitz acquired a male shepherd dog at an exhibition, which he named Horand von Grafrath. It was this dog that was the first to be included in the Society’s stud book, becoming the “father” of German shepherds. This animal combined all the qualities that von Stephanitz liked so much and were so necessary for herding. Horand subsequently crossed with females that matched his type and temperament, and Stefanitz identified defects in puppies and observed the characteristics of the young animals. The Society's dogs constantly participated in exhibitions, where the best representatives of the breed became winners. The number of Society members grew over time, and interest in German Shepherds also grew. Gradually, these dogs gained popularity among the police, helping to track down criminals. Over time, they began to enter military service, making a huge contribution during the First World War - they searched for wounded soldiers, helped with patrols and guard duty.

The founder of the breed personally dealt with the problems of breeding and preserving the service qualities of German shepherds, when unscrupulous businessmen tried to crossbreed dogs without the necessary knowledge for this. The result of uncontrolled work was puppies with unstable psyches and deviations in physical development. Von Stefanitz made every effort to ensure that the breed was developed according to the rules. For example, to improve the qualities and uniformity of the type of dogs, it was customary to cross closely related individuals. The breed became truly popular in the 1920s, and its decline occurred during the Second World War, when society in Germany and the whole world was far from problems of breeding and improvement. all dog breeds. In 1937, effectively removed by the Nazis from his life's work, von Stephanitz died. And only in peacetime, after the cessation of hostilities, the followers of his work revived and preserved the breed bit by bit, thanks to which German shepherds are rightfully popular in all countries.


Personality of the German Shepherd

German Shepherds have excellent intelligence, they are obedient, loyal, and when properly raised, they are friendly not only to the owner, but also to all family members, and do not offend other pets. They are active, playful (even at an advanced age), and require frequent communication with humans. They treat strangers with caution, but not angrily, as if trying to figure out who is in front of them - friend or foe. They have well-developed intuition and flair. German Shepherds combine two important criteria that make them universal both for work purposes and for loving friendship with people. - these dogs are good-natured, but at the same time they clearly understand the tasks assigned to them in the form of protecting the lives entrusted to them, territories, etc.. These dogs have a restrained disposition; as a rule, there are no special outbursts of negative mood in their character. Those German Shepherds, whose main vocation is to serve in law enforcement agencies, are so obedient and sociable that they easily carry out the commands of any person assigned to them. Dogs living in a family become true friends of a person; they quickly get used to their owner and love him to the point of oblivion. Germans can be quite noisy, barking when they are alarmed or wary of something.


Maintenance and care

Such dogs require an active lifestyle, so the owner should take the German for daily walks (preferably 2-3 times a day for at least 1 hour), outdoor games are required. It’s great if the dog owner has the opportunity to go out into nature (into the forest, park, grove, etc.), these animals feel great in the wild. It is best for such a dog to live with a person who can give it enough time for walks and communication.

They can be kept in an apartment, and in outdoor enclosures, provided that the owner takes care of the presence of an insulated booth and the absence of drafts. The coat of shepherd dogs is quite thick and long, which, especially during shedding, can contribute to the appearance of hairballs on the floor and furniture. Regular brushing (at least 3-4 times a week), which should be taught to your dog from an early age, will help avoid this problem. By the way, the Germans really love the combing procedure, so for them it will be a combination of business and pleasure. Dogs should not be bathed more than 2-3 times a year, especially in cases where the animal is not kept in an apartment. A dog's nails should be trimmed 1-2 times a month; this procedure can be carried out by the owner himself or entrusted to a groomer, who, along with trimming the nails, will take care of the comprehensive care of the animal. The owner should pay attention to the health of the German’s eyes and ears, monitor the pet’s gait, temperature, general condition and mood. And if necessary, be sure to contact a veterinarian without trying to self-medicate.

Dry food (preferably super-premium or holistic) is suitable as food for German Shepherd dogs. If the owner wishes to independently think through a menu for his four-legged friend, it is worth remembering that the dog’s diet must include natural lean meat (more than 30 %), offal, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, porridge (oatmeal, rice), raw and boiled vegetables. Sharp tubular bones, potatoes, and food flavored with spices should be avoided.


Training and education

The training of a German child should begin as early as possible. You shouldn’t let even a small fluffy ball dictate your terms. A dog that understands that it is allowed to play pranks will certainly grow up to dominate its owner in the future. That is why, from the age of 1.5-2 months, the animal should be instilled with the rules of good behavior and taught basic commands. At the same time, a tasty treat and a kind word should be used as praise for a job well done. Punishing an animal by beating is unacceptable either in childhood or in adulthood. Training can begin at 3-4 months, but in this case classes should not last long - no more than 15-20 minutes several times a day. Sometimes training German Shepherds begins at six months. Whoever is the dog's "teacher" - Whether a professional trainer or your own owner, it is always necessary that the animal gets along well and listens first of all to its owner. And to do this, you should invest a lot of effort in the process of socializing the puppy. And the sooner the owner begins to instill obedience lessons in the dog, the more efficient the dog will grow.


Health and illness of the German Shepherd breed

Dogs purchased from good breeders are rarely in poor health. Sometimes German Shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia, but this problem can affect not only large dogs, but also small. In Germans, dysplasia in rare cases can take on severe forms. A timely examination by a doctor, x-rays and proper treatment in the early stages of the disease will allow the dog to live a full life without limping or falling on its paws.

Some German Shepherds have an insatiable appetite, which is not surprising given their love of exercise. The owner should not overfed the dog, as shepherd dogs are prone to rapid weight gain and obesity, which leads to many problems. Germans sometimes suffer from ear infections, so the owner should closely monitor the dog when it shakes its head or tilts it unnaturally to one side, or if there is unusual discharge from the ears. But in most cases, shepherd dogs - healthy creatures that tolerate temperature changes well, they are physically developed and active. Timely visits to the veterinarian, vaccination, and parasite prevention allow the owner to have a healthy dog.


Some interesting facts

  • German Shepherds are among the ten most popular dog breeds in the world.
  • They proved their responsibility and reliability during the period when they took part in world wars as postal and guard dogs.
  • The Schutzhund training system was developed in 1900 for training German Shepherds.
  • Max von Stephanitz is known as the "father of the breed".
  • German Shepherds are considered the first guide dogs.
  • German Shepherds have a sharp mind. They should not be brought to a state of aggressiveness and nervousness!
  • They do not like a monotonous lifestyle, so the animal does not belong to the category of homebodies. This is a very active dog that will suit an equally active owner.
  • They adore children. Such four-legged - an excellent choice for families with children. An important point for such families is the early socialization of the animal.
  • Many people mistakenly believe that a German Shepherd can only be black and fawn in color. Actually this is not true. Dogs of this breed can be completely black, or have a combination of white and sand or white and black. Unscrupulous dog breeders often try to sell dogs with this color at a higher price, citing the rarity of the color.
  • No dog breed has ever been so honored that so many films and TV series were made about it. Interesting, sometimes touching films that have been familiar to any Russian for many years - “K-9: Dog Work”, “Commissioner Rex”, “Faithful Ruslan” and many others. Without a doubt, we can say that in some scenes the actors were far from the smart and heart-tugging German Shepherd.
  • In 2003, the Monument of Devotion was erected in Togliatti, which represents a German Shepherd dog looking into the distance. This is not a collective image at all; the story, piercing to the depths of the soul, which served as the reason for the installation of the monument, actually happened. The dog, whose name no one knew (people called him Konstantin, since the meaning of this name is “faithful”), survived the accident in 1995. His owner died, and the dog came to the scene of the tragedy every day and waited for him for 7 years. 7 years!!! Many kind-hearted people tried to shelter the dog, but he didn’t get along anywhere and struggled to return to the place where his friend died. In 2002, the dog died, and people, amazed by the example of loyalty to friendship, donated money to perpetuate the memory, because not everyone is capable of such loyalty.

Nurseries and breeders

We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan