Drathaar, or German Wirehaired Hound, appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries as a universal hunting dog. These dogs are able to hunt in any conditions, on any terrain: on land and on water. Hunters all over the world especially appreciate the endurance and flair of dogs of this breed. Drathaar is suitable for families that lead an active lifestyle and can provide the necessary physical activity for their pet, so inactive people are unlikely to like such a dog.


Photo of drathaar | dreamtime.com

Brief description of the Drathaar breed

Drathaar - hunting medium sized dogcapable of hunting on water and on land. Medium-sized hard coat, endurance, keen sense of smell, sight and hearing make the dog an unsurpassed hunter. These qualities have long been appreciated by hunters around the world.

The external features of the German Wirehaired Hound are a beard and a protruding docked tail. In its homeland, in Germany, this dog is called drathaar. The breed was bred specifically for hunting in the most extreme conditions for all types of game.

Drathaar, like any hunting dog, requires special training and education. These dogs love to run and swim. The activity of the animal is caused by the need to realize all its physical potential. German Wirehaired Pointers, like any other dogs, adore attention and tenderness from the owner.

Drathaar owners must have not only the skills to communicate with dogsbut also perseverance and patience. In order for the dog to be able to take part in various competitions in the execution of complex commands, search, and running, it is necessary to constantly develop the pet through systemic exercises. By nature, these dogs are somewhat stubborn. Therefore, it is advisable to contact specialists to ensure proper training and education. Drathaar does not tolerate aggression and rigidity, which must be excluded from the learning process. The main condition for successful learning is praise and encouragement.

Not so long ago, cynologists revealed in these dogs the incredible ability to search and rescue people. The search and rescue inclinations of the animal speak of love for the person to whom the animal provides invaluable assistance.

The German Wirehaired Hound is a versatile dog, which can prove itself both in competitions and contests, and in hunting, as well as in the field of saving people. The dog will become a great friend, she will be happy to keep company during morning runs, and will also become a companion during gatherings around the fire. Drathaar, with enough attention and love, will become a real member of your family!

Affectionate and devoted to family, the German Wirehaired Hound is very friendly to people but wary of strangers. Dogs of this breeds, grown in the family circle are full of love for all its members, but with special trepidation they relate only to the owner. Drathaar is more than just a hunting dog, she loves to communicate with a person, which makes her a real family member. Also representatives of this breed are unsurpassed watchmen. This dog is a real owner who worries about the property of the owner. She is not afraid to show aggression against the encroachers. You can be sure that your pet will always protect the family and home if they are in danger.

Early socialization is a prerequisite in raising animals of this breed. Coaches say that restrained perseverance is necessary in training. A sharp “no” is much more effective than rudeness and aggression. Treat the animal with respect, and you will immediately see the dog's desire to please you.

Advantages of Drathaar

  • It is a versatile hunting dog;
  • An excellent watchman and protector;
  • Strongly attached to the owner;
  • Smart, learns quickly and with great desire.

Drawbacks of Drathaar

  • Has a complex and independent character;
  • Needs an experienced owner;
  • Requires a lot of movement
  • Practically disapproves of the presence of other animals in the house;
  • Doesn't tolerate cats.


basic information

Breed name: Drathaar
Country of origin: Germany
The time of the birth of the breed: 19th century
Type of: cops
The weight: 20 - 32 kg
Height (height at the withers): 57 - 68 cm
Life Expectancy: 14 - 16 years old
ICF classification:
Group 7, Section 1, Number 98
Puppies price: 200 – 950 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for drathaar

Evaluation of the characteristics of the Drathaar breed


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



Drathaar's Appearance

The Wirehaired Drathaar is a large, but not heavy, dog with an athletic and athletic build. Silhouette fits into a square, the spine is short and straight, the chest is wide, but not deep. limbs strongly muscular. Tail carried low, half rolled, but can also be worn at the level of the spine, in those moments when the dog is interested in something. Head dry, noble looking, worn on a heavily muscled neck. Eyes medium sized, brown, with a friendly expression. Ears Set high, medium length, wide, rounded at the ends, lying flat against the cheeks. Height at the withers: males 61–68 cm, females 57–64 cm. Body mass: males 25–32 kg, females 20–27 kg.


Drathaar photo:

дратхаар фото породы


The history of the origin of the drathaar

The breed was bred in the process of an active search for a universal hunter capable of helping to hunt various animals. Drathaar appeared in the 1800s. This dog combines the qualities of a pointer, poodle and foxhound, thanks to which the animal feels great in water and on land.

Do not confuse drathaar with kurtshaar. Unlike the latter, the drathaar has a longer coat, a different head shape and a completely different temperament. Although outwardly there are certain similarities, they were nevertheless bred separately and from different breeds. dogs.


Drathaar character

Drathaars have a wonderful temperament, they are affectionate and devoted to their family. They are friendly but wary of strangers. When a pet has grown up in a loving family, he will treat all its members with special trepidation. That is why attention is so important not only to the animal, but also to you. The Drathaar is more than just a hunting dog. She loves human interaction, which makes her an excellent family dog.

These dogs make excellent watchdogs. The pet clearly shows a sense of ownership, so the drathaar will protect property from the encroacher to the last. But in order for the dog to have the above qualities, it is necessary to carry out its early socialization. In the process, give up aggression completely. Persistence is your main weapon.


Maintenance and care

An adult drathaar does not require much attention. The main thing is to take care of the coat weekly, comb it thoroughly, as these dogs shed all the time. Thoroughly brushing your hair not only prevents hair from growing in your home, it also keeps your pet clean.

Bathe your dog only when necessary. Young puppies may have soft coats that require more attention. But as they grow older, the coat will become harder and harder. During the shedding period, especially in spring, you will need to brush your pet's coat more often.

Check your pet's ears weekly. This is necessary in order to timely detect signs of infection or inflammation. The ears are treated with a special solution on the recommendation of a veterinarian, using a special swab with a soft tissue.

Nails are usually trimmed once a month, but if they grow quickly, then the procedure can be done more often. Weekly routines include brushing your teeth. This will prevent dental problems and ensure fresh breath for your Drathaar.


Training and education

Drathaar is a strong, strong-willed and independent dog. Therefore, the process of training and education can be a problem for an unprepared dog breeder. These dogs need a self-confident, persistent owner with leadership qualities. If you give in to your pet at least once, then you can forget about the effectiveness of training. Classes should not be long, otherwise they will quickly bother the dog.

Dogs of this breed enjoy the exercise associated with ingenuity and physical activity. Recently, they are often used in various search and rescue operations. Thus, animals realize their search need, inherent in all hunting dogs. Drathaar training can take up to six months. In some cases, this period may be slightly shorter. But it's better to do it in stages.


Health and disease

The average life expectancy of a Drathaar is 14-16 years. The main diseases that can occur in the breed include: cataracts, elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, ear infections and skin cancer.


Some interesting facts

  • This dog is quite independent and independent. Quite often, a tendency to vagrancy is noticed, but this happens with insufficient attention from the owner.
  • Representatives of this breed are very suspicious of strangers and show devotion to their family.
  • If the dog is left alone for too long, then the animal develops a great fear of separation from the owner.
  • At home, training representatives of this breed is not easy.
  • Sometimes Drathaars show aggression towards other dogs, especially males.
  • Most dogs of this breed enjoy chasing cats and other small animals.
  • A young Drathaar under the age of two loves to frolic, run and jump. Be prepared for possible damage to furniture or decor items.

Nurseries and breeders

We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan