The Bullmastiff is a very strong-willed dog that is not afraid of anything and is always ready to give his life for his family. This sixty kilogram pet will faithfully sit at your feet while you sleep, guarding your sleep.
Photo of bullmastiff |

Brief description of the breed

The average weight of this large dog is about 41-60 kilograms. The Bullmastiff is devoted to his owner and the whole family as a whole. He is great with children. This dog is rightfully considered one of the best family dogs. The main thing in raising such a large dog as a bullmastiff - early socialization and training. The pet must learn how to behave in certain situations.

Despite the fact that the Bullmastiff is not particularly active, he still achieves success in agility and successfully fulfills the role of a therapy dog.

Representatives of this breed are very smart and quickly learn everything new, but they do not like long monotonous workouts. Bullmastiffs - refer to guard dogsand successfully cope with this task. They need a well-fenced yard to keep them. You should never allow this big dog walk freely on the street.

The Bullmastiff does not get along well with other dogs, especially of the same sex. It is extremely difficult to keep a bullmastiff - male with a male of another or the same breed. Even those dogs that have lived in peace and harmony for years can become irreconcilable enemies at one moment. Since this breed has a very strong hunting instinct, bullmastiffs do not get along well with cats and other small animals.

These giant dogs are prone to salivation. Saliva is profusely secreted during eating, drinking, and exercise. Drooling is an essential characteristic of any Bullmastiff. Dog breeders confidently claim that the more cheeks a pet has, the more saliva. To solve this problem, you will have to stock up on a towel and keep it with you at all times.

Despite its large size, the Bullmastiff can be kept in an apartment. True, only if you are ready to put up with a certain tightness.

Bullmastiffs do not need active exercise. In terms of grooming, you will need to brush your dog a couple of times a week. This will be enough to keep the wool in good condition and prevent the wool from spreading around the house. It is worth remembering the need to control the condition of the ears, as well as trimming the claws.

The Bullmastiff is one of those dogs that form a close bond with humans. Such a pet is very attached to the owner. Therefore, isolating the dog will make the animal unhappy. Make the Bullmastiff a real member of the family and you will become the owner of a loving, sympathetic and kind friend.

Issues related to socialization and training should be treated very responsibly. It is necessary to start work from an early age. During this period, the puppy very easily absorbs everything that he is taught. The pet needs to be taught, at first glance, elementary things: do not pull the leash while walking, do not jump on people, do not run and do not break out.

Bullmastiffs love children, but the dog's sheer size often results in unintentional injuries that can be inflicted by the dog. Be careful and always supervise your dog and children. If there are kids in the family, then it is better to postpone the purchase of a bullmastiff.


basic information

Breed name: bullmastiff
Country of origin: United Kingdom
The time of the birth of the breed: 1860
Type of: Molossians
The weight: 41 - 60 kg
Height (height at the withers): 61 - 69 cm
Life Expectancy: 8 – 12 years old
ICF classification:
Group 2, Section 2, Number 157
Puppies price: 190 – 940 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for bullmastiff

Assessment of breed characteristics


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



Bullmastiff photo:

бульмастифы фото

The history of the origin of bullmastiffs

Bullmastiffs were bred in England to protect hunting grounds from poachers. The bullmastiff coped with this task admirably. The poachers couldn't get away from the dog.

Bullmastiffs first appeared around 1860. As the name suggests, Bullmastiffs are a cross between a Mastiff and a Bulldog. The main task of the breeders was to breed a dog more aggressive than the mastiff, but larger and not as ferocious as the bulldog. This breed was bred to discreetly track poachers and catch them quickly, while avoiding serious injury to the poachers themselves. In some documents, this breed is referred to as the "night helper of the rangers."

The American Kennel Club recognized the Bullmastiff as a separate breed in 1933. Today the Bullmastiff is ranked 42nd among the breeds registered by the Club, and back in 2000 the breed was ranked 52nd.


Character of bullmastiffs

Bullmastiffs were bred to protect property and livestock. These dogs take their duties very seriously. They show real fearlessness. Particular success was achieved in the fight against poachers in the hunting grounds.

The breed was bred in order to catch intruders, but not to injure them. Their main task was to keep the poacher until reinforcements arrived.

Today, bullmastiffs do not cease to amaze with their size and abilities, while representatives of the breed remain obedient pets. Truth to educate dog with such character traits and personal qualities, attention and a lot of time are needed. Bullmastiffs are especially popular with farmers, because they are the best suited for looking after livestock.


Maintenance and care

Special nutritional needs are met by relatively simple dog care. Regular brushing of the coat will keep it in a healthy, well-groomed condition. The wrinkled folds of the Bullmastiff also require care. They need to be kept clean and thoroughly dry after bathing. Dry shampoos are especially popular among dog breeders. They help keep the coat clean and smelling good.

Ears require weekly monitoring. Care must be taken to avoid irritation or inflammation. They are treated with a special solution prescribed by a veterinarian. When processing the ears, it is better to avoid the use of cotton swabs.

The weekly mandatory hygiene procedures also include brushing your teeth. These dogs often develop bad breath. Regular brushing of teeth will help to avoid this problem.

Bullmastiffs generally grind their nails naturally, but they need to be trimmed if necessary. As a rule, this is done when a slight clatter of claws appears while walking.


Training and education of bullmastiffs

Bullmastiffs are not designed for insecure people. They are stubborn and capricious, so it is necessary to immediately find a common language with the animal so that there is trust and mutual understanding between the pet and the owner.

The process of training and training the Bullmastiff should take place in a calm environment, while you need to be persistent and demanding. Dogs of this breed can use subterfuge and manipulation to take the lead.

bullmastiff - this is not a dog that would be suitable for people who have never owned dogs before. They need constant attention from the owner with leadership qualities. The process of learning and socialization in Bullmastiffs must continue throughout their lives. Dogs of this breed are somewhat similar to teenagers: they are always looking for something new, often ignoring the rules of behavior. The main key in learning - sequence.


Bullmastiff health and disease

It is not hard to guess that due to their large size, Bullmastiffs suffer from a number of health problems.

Puppies bullmastiffs are thin, they should not overeat, and also overstrain. Otherwise, the animal may have problems with the development of bone tissue, and this - a real disaster for the body. In addition, Bullmastiffs are prone to obesity, which is another reason to maintain an appropriate diet.

One of the genetic problems that occurs in almost all representatives of the breed is hip dysplasia. Over the course of a lifetime, the cartilage in the hip joint wears away. Arthritis develops. In severe cases, treatment involves surgery, which consists in hip arthroplasty. Such an operation costs more than one thousand dollars.

Bullmastiffs are also prone to heart problems such as pulmonary stenosis. This disease is a narrowing of the valve between the right ventricle of the heart and the vessel that carries blood to the lungs.

An annual examination by specialists, including a cardiologist, will help to identify health problems in a timely manner and deal with them. The attention of the owner is an important condition for the healthy and proper development of the animal. At the slightest suspicion of the onset of the disease, you should immediately show the bullmastiff to a doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment.

Some interesting facts

  • Bullmastiffs do not require active exercise. They need regular walks.
  • Bullmastiffs are not exactly suitable for families in which both parents work. In this case, there will be no one to look after the dog.
  • Bullmastiffs do not require special care.
  • Dogs of this breed can be kept in apartments, even in small ones, if the owner is willing to put up with cramped conditions.
  • Bullmastiffs can show aggression towards other animals if they are not socialized.
  • Representatives of this breed are prone to overheating and heat stroke. In hot weather, it is better not to let the bullmastiff go outside.
  • Bullmastiffs produce a lot of saliva, if you do not like it, then this breed is not for you.
  • The process of learning and socialization must begin at an early age and continue throughout life.
  • Bullmastiffs are excellent working dogs. They can guard the house and family well.
  • Bullmastiffs are good with children but can cause unintentional damage due to their size.
  • Bullmastiffs have a very high pain threshold. This often becomes the reason for the difficulty of early detection of the presence of diseases.
  • Never purchase a Bullmastiff puppy from a pet store or from an unverified breeder. Use the services of trusted dog breeders, preferably on the recommendation of acquaintances or friends.

Nurseries and breeders

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