Бирманская кошка

Photo of Burmese cat | dreamtime.com

Brief description of the breed

Cats of this breed have an average size, which is sometimes not very commensurate with the playful behavior of the animal. The medium length coat has a silky texture and a slight undercoat. A characteristic ruff forms around the cat's neck, but on the stomach, the hair has a wavy structure.

The body of cats of this breed has the same shade as the coat. Burmese cats can be born in different colors: from pale fawn to cream, which gradually brightens towards the stomach and chest. On the eyes there are characteristic "glasses" of a brownish color. It must be noted that cats of this breed may also have blue, chocolate and lilac hues, or different shades at the same time.


basic information

Breed name: Burmese cat
Country of origin: Myanmar
The time of the birth of the breed: exactly unknown
The weight: 3 - 6 kg
EMS code:
Life Expectancy: 14 - 16 years old
Price kittens: 200 – 600 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for Burmese cats


Assessment of breed characteristics

(A definition that means how easily a cat can adapt to changes in life)
Shedding level
(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)
Tenderness level
(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the cat gives in return for attention to itself)
Social need
(The required number of contacts of a cat with other animals, as well as people)
(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the cat)
Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment
(Features of the cat's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)
Health issues
(Potential health status of a cat)
(The ability of a cat to think and solve emerging difficulties)
Friendliness to children
(A factor that determines how friendly a cat is to children, whether she likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)
Game activity
(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all cats)
Dog friendly
(The cat's tendency to get along with dog)

Photo of a Burmese cat:

Бирманская кошка окрасы


History of the Burmese cat

A beautiful cat deserves a beautiful story of its origin. The Burmese cat is considered the sacred cat of Burma. According to legend, the cat acquired its magnificent appearance thanks to the intervention of a blue-eyed goddess, who turned a dying priest into a cat with golden-white hair and sky-blue eyes. But the paws remained white, as a symbol of purity.

The current origin of the Burmese cat remains unknown. Researchers believe that the breed appeared in the process of crossing the Siamese cat with the Angora, but when and where this happened remains a mystery. Perhaps the appearance of the breed occurred in the southeastern part of Asia in the process of crossing different breeds of cats, which led to the mixing of genes and the appearance of various colors with spiky patterns, as well as pets with blue eyes and long hair. There is also a theory about which cats of this breed originally appeared in France from cats of European breeds, which were brought by the Frenchmen Auguste Pavy and Gordon Russell, and subsequently transferred to temples as thanks to the priests.

The breed was first recognized in France. It happened in 1925, but then the breed was called "Sacre de Birman". From this came the modern name of the breed. Burmese cats were first introduced to the United States in 1959. They were recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association as well as the Canadian Cat Association and the International Cat Association in 1967.


The nature of the Burmese cat

If you like the look of Siamese cats, but don't really like their meow, then your choice should fall on the Burmese cat. These pets are obedient and calm, they love people, so they always follow their owner, including escorting them from room to room. Be prepared for the fact that Burmese cats will be your faithful companions, but not as domineering as Siamese cats.

An obedient cat does not mean stupid at all. Burmese cats are very smart and curious. They love to explore everything that is around. It often happens that representatives of this breed get into various funny situations due to excessive curiosity.

The Burmese cat communicates with family members and its owner using a gentle, soft voice. These pets love to lie on the couch with the owner or just sit in the affectionate embrace of a family member.

In relation to children, pets are very friendly and welcoming. They will enjoy playing with the little family members. But do not forget that it is impossible to leave an animal with children unattended. This is not caused by the aggressiveness of the animal, but by the fact that during the game the child can hurt the animal, and in response, it can scratch.

As a rule, pets of this breed do not require special socialization, but if the house has other animals, then it is necessary to introduce the kitten to him from an early age.


Maintenance and care

The Burmese cat belongs to those breeds that, despite the relatively thick and long coat, do not require special care. Therefore, they are often chosen by those families that do not have a lot of free time, but this does not mean at all that the pet will not have to be dealt with at all.

Despite the length of the coat (from medium to long), the Burmese cats have a silky texture, which ensures relative ease of care. Weekly combing will be sufficient to completely remove dead hairs and stable distribution of sebum. With the advent of spring and the beginning of molting, the pet should be combed a little more often.

As for bathing, it is carried out as needed. It is best to bathe a cat in the shower, without immersing the pet in water. The weekly mandatory procedures also include brushing your teeth, which will prevent the occurrence of periodontal disease. Nails need to be trimmed once a week. True, sometimes active cats, often walking on the street, grind them down themselves.

Particular attention should be paid to eye hygiene. To prevent the occurrence of infections, the corners of the eyes must be wiped with a cloth dipped in a special solution or prepared independently (from vinegar and water in a one-to-one ratio).

Pay due attention to your ears. Make sure that they do not cause pollution, inflammation or irritation. Ears are treated with a solution prescribed by a veterinarian. Avoid using cotton swabs to clean the inside of your ear.

It would be nice if you significantly reduce the communication of the Burmese cat with other yard animals, and do not allow walks without supervision. Due to the special value of cats of this breed, they are often stolen.



Health and disease

Any cat, yard or thoroughbred, can have health problems, including those caused by genetic abnormalities. Consider the main diseases that can occur in cats of the Burmese breed.

Congenital hypertrophy, which manifests itself with congenital baldness, leads to an immune deficiency, which, in turn, often causes the death of the animal.

Corneal dermoid refers to the presence of thin skin or hair on the cornea of the eye or on both eyes. The disease can only be treated surgically.

Spongiform degeneration is a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system that results in limb weakness and problems with motor coordination. In advanced cases, the pet can generally be immobilized.

Trembling of the body. This condition is most commonly seen in young children. kittens at the age of about ten days and can last until the young reach the age of three months. The reason for this deviation is unknown. The disease can also spontaneously disappear, as it appeared.

An unusually high concentration of creatinine in the blood of a pet is also a common problem that occurs in representatives of this breed. The disease mainly indicates problems with the kidneys.

At the first manifestation of any symptoms of diseases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Timely, and most importantly, correct diagnosis will help to cope with the disease and will be the key to good health for your pet.

The main diseases of Burmese cats are associated with genetic abnormalities, which, according to experts, are caused by crossing the ancestors of these cats with representatives of different breeds.


Some interesting facts

  • The history of the origin of the breed is still not fully known.
  • According to one theory, the Burmese cat originated in Asia, while another suggests that its origin occurred in the European part of the continent.
  • The Burmese cat looks very similar to the Siamese, sometimes they are even confused. At the same time, these pets are very different in nature.
  • Cats of this breed get along well with children. The Burmese cat will be an excellent choice if your family has a young or middle-aged child.
  • The life expectancy of a Burmese cat is about sixteen years.

Nurseries and breeders


We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan