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Brief description of the breed

The Basset Hound has long been particularly popular. He can often be found in various commercials, as well as in the homes and lawns of many families who want to have a good and loyal four-legged friend. Its noble appearance and loyal character make this dog an excellent pet for almost any family.

Representatives of this breed have a very developed sense of smell. This is not strange, because the dog was bred for hunting. In this regard, basset hounds can only compete with sniffer dogs. The rest are unlikely to be able to compete with them.

Since Basset Hounds were originally bred as... hunting dogs, they have retained the corresponding natural instinct, so they always strive to chase potential prey. The peculiarities of the skin, as well as long ears that hang down to the ground, give the basset an excellent opportunity to smell prey and, accordingly, catch up with it. It is for these qualities that basset hounds are valued by hunters.

Because the basset's legs are short, they are not able to move as quickly as other large dogs. But for a hunter this is a very good feature, because the animal can sneak up on prey unnoticed. Another feature dogs, which is very convenient for hunter owners, is a long tail with a white tip. It allows you to see the dog even when it is in tall grass.

Dogs of this breed have a loud voice, so their special bark is distinct and piercing, it spreads over long distances.

While at home, the basset will not be particularly active; he is lazy in this regard. The pet is devoted to its family, very pleasant to talk to and friendly. Bassets do not like to be alone for long periods of time. If your pet is left alone for a long time, he will certainly whine and even howl.

Basset hounds are lovers of food, but at home they do not show much desire for active activities. This causes obesity, which, in turn, leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Bassets are very hardy. You can safely go on long walks with them, especially since this will have a positive effect on the dog’s health and prevent weight gain. When walking with your pet, do not forget that the basset is a hunting dog, so it loves to track. Don't walk without a leash, otherwise you risk your pet chasing a potential trophy.

The Basset Hound has a unique voice of its kind. We can say that these dogs do not bark, but howl. They are also capable of muttering in a peculiar way, thus attracting attention to themselves, or begging for food. Thanks to this peculiar behavior, they manage to beg from the owner’s table many delicacies that are not very useful for dogs. Don't follow your pet's lead. Moreover, many products from the owner’s table can cause serious harm to the animal.

Basset Hounds are generally calm and even-tempered, and they get along well with children as well as pets. The main disadvantage of this breed - tendency to drool and howl when lonely or anxious. If you are willing to tolerate such oddities, then the basset will become an unsurpassed pet and simply an excellent companion dog.


basic information

Breed name: Basset Hound
Country of origin: United Kingdom
The time of the birth of the breed: 19th century
Type of: hounds and related breeds
The weight: 23 – 30 kg
Height (height at the withers): 33 – 38 cm
Life Expectancy: 12 - 15 years old
ICF classification:
Group 6, Section 1, Number 163
Puppies price: 210 – 1050 $
Most popular nicknames: list of names for basset hound


Assessment of breed characteristics basset hound


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)


Breed advantages

  • Has an unusual appearance;
  • Strongly attached to the owner;
  • Friendly towards people around him;
  • Patient with children;
  • Tolerant of other dogs;
  • Doesn't need a lot of exercise, but loves walks;
  • Incredibly agile;
  • It is easy to take care of him.


Cons of the breed

  • Needs an understanding owner;
  • By nature stubborn and headstrong;
  • Sometimes naughty;
  • Has a habit of running away;
  • Loves to bark;
  • Not amenable to standard training;
  • Has a tendency to gain excess weight.

Appearance basset hound

The name of the breed comes from the French word "bass", which means low. It is because of the short stature that this name appeared. The small stature is caused by the physiology of the animal: it has a fairly heavy skeleton and a muscular body. The average weight of a dog is about 23–30 kilograms. But height, as a rule, is about 33–38 centimeters. Basset Hounds - large dogs on low paws. The dog's short stature is the result of dwarfism, which doctors call achondroplasia. But this is not a disease that should be tried to be cured. These sizes have become the breed standard and significantly distinguish these dogs from other relatives.

Basset Hounds have a smooth, short coat that is relatively easy to maintain. Most Basset Hounds have a tri-color coat consisting of patches of black, brown and white. This color is considered classic. True, there are Basset Hounds with red spots on a white background, as well as with white spots on a red background, and a completely red color with white or lemon-colored paws. Sometimes gray basset hounds are also found. This color is not desirable, since most often the cause of non-standard color is a genetic disease. You should not follow the lead of a dog breeder who will allegedly offer you a puppy with a unique color.

The Basset Hound has a rounded skull, and a large amount of skin on the front of the head. This somewhat flabby skin makes the basset hound look sad, which, according to many, adds a special charm to the animal.


Basset hound photo:

бассет-хаунд фото окрасов


History of the origin of the Basset Hound

Legends say that basset dogs come from Constantinople, from where they came to Europe during the Crusades. Whether this is true or not, no one knows. The British believe that the Basset is a very old breed that has already been known in England since the 16th century. They consider Shakespeare’s description of a summer night to be proof of this: “My hounds, painted the color of sand, have powerful dewlaps. And they sweep away the early dew with their heads down. Their knees are bent and their stomachs are sagging. They follow the trail slowly, but their joint barking sounds like a bell.” Although this description fits the Basset Hound, some dog trainers argue that the characteristics described may also correspond to the Southern Hound. Of course, this dilemma is unsolvable because no one can actually know who Shakespeare was writing about.

In fact, the Basset Hound does not come from England at all, but from France, although it was the British who bred the breed and gave it its name, translated from French. These dogs became truly popular thanks to the Americans. The Basset Hound is considered to be a descendant of two French breeds: the now defunct Basset d'Artois and the Artesian-Normandy Basset. In 1874, British breeders brought a group of these dogs from France to their domain. As a result of mating, a transitional breed was obtained, which was later crossed with the Bloodhound. This was the first artificial insemination in history, given the large difference in height. It was from the Bloodhound that the Basset adopted its main characteristics: an excellent sense of smell, a strongly prominent skull, freely hanging and folded skin. From that time on it was prohibited to export dogs, and the breeding of the Basset Hound in England developed independently.

In 1880, the Basset Hound was first shown at an exhibition in Wolverhampton, and in 1883 the first Basset Hound Club was created. The wife of King Edward VII, Alexandra, whose dogs also took part in exhibitions, became a big fan of this breed. One of them even received an award at a prestigious exhibition in 1909.

In Europe until the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, the breed remained heterogeneous. It even happened that dogs from the same litter could have completely different anatomical characteristics: the height at the withers ranged from 23-30 cm, and sometimes even reached 36 cm. This was not the only difference, because the dogs also differed in their appearance . The first example of the breed was presented only in 1955. This was a significant turning point for the development of the breed. The main characteristics of the breed were approved, which gave direction to the work of breeders who, after many years of work, were able to develop the Basset Hound that is familiar to us today, that is, a dog with an elongated body, powerful bones and short, strong legs. Compared to its ancestors, the modern basset has much more skin, as well as significantly more weight.

Surprisingly, this originally French breed returned to France only in 1955 and remains quite rare to this day. In this country, basset dogs are owned, for the most part, by amateurs, fans of the breed, which of course does not contribute to the development of the population. Basset dogs are extremely popular in England, but in the States they are breaking all popularity records. In France, about 800-1000 offspring are registered annually, in England - 2500-3000 individuals, but in the States there are more than 20,000 individuals!


Basset Hound Personality

A languid look, long ears and small stature sometimes make many people feel sorry for basset dogs, as they look sad. In fact, these are very cheerful dogs with a calm character. They get along well with children and pets. All these qualities make the Basset Hound a good companion dog. It's especially fun to watch a basset hound playing with children. - it's a real spectacle! You can be sure that your pet will start barking when he sees a stranger approaching, but as soon as he realizes that it is your friend, he will greet him cheerfully.


Maintenance and care

Basset Hound - This dog with a short, waterproof coat that is very easy to care for. Weekly brushing will help keep the constantly shedding coat under control. Since Basset Hounds have long and drooping ears, this is a common cause of various ear diseases. Weekly ear cleaning will prevent all this. The folds on the basset's face also require regular wiping.


Basset Hound Training and Training

Training a Basset Hound can be a major challenge, especially for an untrained dog owner. Some believe that the reason for this - low intelligence of a dog, but this is not true. It's all to blame - The independent nature of the Basset Hound means that these dogs are often not very receptive to training. In addition, dogs of this breed have no desire to please people, which is also one of the reasons that complicates the training process. The Basset Hound is very sensitive to different odors. If a pet smells some interesting aroma, it will definitely try to follow it. In such situations, classes are out of the question. Dogs of this breed are best kept in a fenced area.


Health and disease

The average lifespan of a Basset Hound is 12 to 15 years. Major health problems include: allergies, back and joint problems, bloating, heart disease, skin diseases, diseases of the ears, eyelids and eyelashes, glaucoma, intervertebral disc diseases, von Willebrand disease. Let us note that the basset hound is considered to be a healthy dog, but if the animal is poorly cared for, then diseases will not take long to appear. You need to pay special attention to your ears. If this is not done, otitis media will occur. Eyes also require care. They need to be wiped daily to remove dirt and dust that can accumulate under the skin around the eyes and lead to infectious diseases.


Some interesting facts

  • The dog of detective Columbo, the hero of the well-known detective series, was a basset hound. Her look, full of indifference, charmed many viewers who became interested in the breed thanks to the series.
  • Like all hounds, basset hounds are difficult to train and educate.
  • The basset's long ears play an important role for the animal. They “lift” odors from the ground and direct them to the dog’s nose.
  • The constant shedding of the Basset Hound obliges the owner to brush the dog daily.
  • Basset wool has an oily coat that can have a specific smell. Don't try to wash away this natural defense.
  • Basset Hounds can drool.
  • If a basset hound catches a scent, it may follow it.
  • It is better to keep a dog of this breed in a fenced area.
  • It is best to train a Basset in a special class.
  • The Basset, like all hounds, does not accept harsh training methods. Please be patient.
  • Basset Hounds often suffer from increased gas production. If you suspect such a problem, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Due to the nature of the Basset's skin, these dogs are prone to salivation, especially when eating and drinking. If this is not entirely suitable for you, then it is better not to buy a puppy of this breed.
  • The real problem for Basset Hounds is obesity. They love to eat well, so they tend to overeat. If the dog is overweight, problems with the musculoskeletal system will develop. The feeding regime must be organized correctly, guided by the advice of a veterinarian, and not the recommendations on the packaging of dog food.
  • Since these dogs are prone to bloating, which in some cases can be fatal, they need to be fed 3 small meals a day. After eating, you need to observe the dog to make sure everything is fine.
  • The Basset Hound's long ears require special care. They need to be carefully monitored, washed on time and treated with a special solution.
  • Even if your basset hound seems strong and healthy to you, it is still better to avoid jumping and, when traveling in the car, hold it in your arms and thus fix the spine.
  • Two-thirds of the basset's weight is in the front part of the body. This practically prevents the dog from swimming.

Nurseries and breeders

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