White muscular Dogo Argentino, often also called Dogo Argentino or Argentine Mastiff, is a dog breed that belongs to the class of Great Dane Molossians (along with such giants as Neapolitan mastiffrottweiler, Broholmer, etc.).

Аргентинский дог
Photo of a Dogo Argentino | dreamtime.com

Brief description of the breed

Breed advantages

  • Ideal guard dog;
  • Does not have many health problems;
  • Care does not require much time.


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Cons of the breed

  • Not suitable for inexperienced dog owners;
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Education should start at an early age;
  • It is difficult to get along with other pets.


Heroes of this article - the first and only breed bred in Argentina and recognized by the Kennel Federation of the country in 1964. Today, dogs of this breed do an excellent job of guarding, help in hunting, and often successfully participate in battles with other breeds. Often, the Dogo Argentino is turned on as a strong and confident family friend. The main distinguishing features of the character of the Argentine mastiff - endurance, he never gives in to an opponent who even exceeds him in size and weight (fights with wild boars).

dogo argentino -big dogs, whose growth reaches 62-68 cm in males and 60-65 cm in females. Dogo Argentino's weight is also impressive - 45-65 kg in males, 40-55 cm in females.


basic information

Breed name: dogo argentino
Country of origin: Argentina
The time of the birth of the breed: 1928
Type of: Molossians
The weight: 40 - 60 kg
Height (height at the withers): 60 - 68 cm
Life Expectancy: 10 – 14 years old
ICF classification:
Group 2, Section 2, Room 292
Puppies price: 400 – 1800 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for dogo argentino


Assessment of breed characteristics


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)




Addition dogs are strong, with well-developed muscles. Head Dogo Argentino is of medium size, powerful, the cranial part of which is convex, with well-developed zygomatic arches and a depression in the frontal region, superciliary arches protruding. Nose and lips Great Danes have black pigmentation. Eyes widely set, small in size, most often dark or light brown. The head is connected with a strong neck medium length, with a small skin kit. Back the dog is broad, with well-developed muscles, evenly lowered in the lumbar region, the dorsal and vertebral muscles are strong, clearly defined. Tail saber-shaped, moderately long and wide in diameter. limbs long, muscular (especially posterior), straight, parallel. Wool Dogo Argentino is short (no more than 2 cm), smooth, white, sometimes with small marks of dark tones around the eyes.


Dogo Argentino photo:

аргентинский дог окрасы

The history of the origin of the Dogo Argentino breed

Despite the fact that Dogo Argentino gained popularity only in the second half of the 20th century, the history of their creation is quite long and complicated. One of the very first progenitors of the modern Dogo Argentino were mastiffs that appeared in South America in the 16th century. Their main goal was to serve the conquering conquistadors against the local population.

Massive and ready to fight to the end, mastiffs were gradually crossed with other breeds. - bulldogsboxers. Puppies from such unions, which are called the white dog of Cordoba (white - thanks to the shade of the coat of puppies, Cordoba - due to its wide distribution in the region of the same name in Argentina) possessed cruel character traits, great physical strength and endurance.

In Argentina in general, and in Cordoba in particular, dog fights were extremely popular and spectacular, visitors to such fights - simple peasants rooted for the dogs so fiercely that they forgot all the hardships and the overwhelming burden of hard physical labor. The main purpose of such dogs until the beginning of the 20th century was participation in battles, until Professor A.N. became interested in the breed. Martinez, who later became the "father" of Dogo Argentino. The main idea pursued by Martinez was the creation of a dog, bold and strong, able to hunt big game and predators (peccaries, cougars, etc.). But hunting dogs were not supposed to be as bloodthirsty as the white dog of Cordoba.

To create the perfect hunting dog, which could also be an assistant in everyday life, Martinez crossed breeds such as: boxer, German and dogue de bordeauxbull terrierbulldog, Pointer, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Spanish Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound. For a long time, puppies born had certain traits that would not allow them to become truly self-possessed and cold-blooded. For 3 decades, Professor Martinez brought his brainchild to perfection, until, finally, the Dogo Argentino dog breed was created.

In 1928, the first Standard was approved breeds, and 36 years later, after the death of A.N. Martinez, the Cynological Federation of Argentina officially recognized her. For a long time, Dogo Argentino were the property of the country, but did not have much popularity in Europe. Only in the 70s, Dogo Argentino began to attract the attention of dog breeders in Holland and Germany, and then in Austria, Spain, and Italy. In our country, dogs of this breed appeared for the first time in the early 90s. But the real homeland of these dogs - Argentina, where these animals are the hallmark of the country.


Dogo Argentino character

dogo argentino - active, mobile dogs, very strong and hardy. Their courage allows them to take on the cougar, whose weight is sometimes twice that of the Dogo Argentino. Sometimes they try to instill uncharacteristic fighting traits in them. dogo argentino - hunting dogs, guide dogs, guards and watchmen. But their main difference - lack of unmotivated malice towards people and animals. Dogo Argentino get along well in families (including children). Friendly to people, the Dogo Argentino can sometimes scold other pets living with him under the same roof. So it is wiser to get such a dog, provided that there are no other animals, especially dogs. Animals of this breed are quite intelligent, they know their own worth, they answer for the love of the owner with true friendship and service.


Maintenance and care

Dogo Argentino can be kept in an apartment, and on the street, provided there are no severe frosts. Even if the dog is acquired as a site watchman and does not pretend to participate in exhibitions, the owner is obliged to pay due attention to his four-legged friend. In any case, the dog must be equipped with a place where the bed, bowls, toys will be located. Walking dogs should be done daily, at least 2 times. Moreover, dogs of this breed with the same pleasure will perceive a calm walking walk or an active pastime. The owner of the Dogo Argentino must purchase walking attributes - muzzle, collar, leash, in the city you should not let even a peaceful dog walk on his own. At the sight of foreign animals, the Argentine, like a true hunter, often goes on the attack. They love outings in nature, participating in hunting, are not lazy by nature. The coat of the Argentinean Great Danes is unpretentious in care, it requires only combing several times a week. Washing should be done no more than 2 times a year, especially for those Argentines whose house is in the open (to avoid hypothermia). After a walk during bad weather, you should wipe the dog's paws or wash them.


Dogo Argentino training and education

The training of the Argentine baby should begin literally from the first days of his stay in the house. These dogs are savvy and cunning enough to understand that the owner, who once gave up slack, allows himself to be twisted into ropes. You should not allow the little dog what will later be prohibited. Not later than 2 months, the puppy should begin to teach simple commands (“Come to me!”, “Fu!, etc.), then encourage if the baby has done everything correctly. While the puppy is small (especially if he will always live in an apartment), you should teach him how to walk as needed in a place strictly designated for this.

Always - both at home and on the street, the dog must listen to the owner, and for this to be the case, the animal should be raised from an early age. From six months you can think about dog training under the guidance of an instructor (especially when the dog will not only guard the house, but will also participate in the hunt), who will correctly point out the gaps in education and help correct them, explain all the subtleties of training dogs of this particular breed. By the time of training under the supervision of a specialist, the dog should have one person of his master in his authority, who taught him the basics of training and instilled good manners.

These dogs are highly trainable and receptive. They quickly pick up the commands of the owner, but long training sessions can quickly bore them. The owner must clearly, gently and persistently show that the dog should listen to him. But physical strength and screaming are excluded, since such an approach will completely kill all the dog's interest in training.


Health and disease of the Dogo Argentino breed

The life expectancy of Argentinean dogs is 10-14 (rarely 16) years. They are quite healthy and strong physically, but, like many large breeds, they often suffer from hip dysplasia. Limping, changes in gait can be a signal of a complication of the disease. In some cases, the breed has an incurable congenital deafness, which becomes apparent when the dog does not respond to the call of the owner. Dogo Argentino are often prone to allergic reactions, moreover, caused by an inappropriate diet. Hypoallergenic foods solve sensitive digestion problems, but it is advisable to consult a doctor on this issue. In some cases, dogs of this breed are faced with endocrine disorders. Diarrhea, constipation, overweight, lethargy, fatigue - All these and many other symptoms can symbolize the presence of thyroid disease.


Some interesting facts

  • In 2004, a film called "My friend- dogo argentino”, where, along with professional actors, Dogo Argentino himself participated in the filming. The drama co-produced by Argentina and Spain tells about the difficult fate of a man whose life takes on colors with the help of a true friend - an Argentinean dog named Bonbon. I must say that the animal coped with the role brilliantly.
  • In Argentina, there is the largest number of nurseries of this breed, the largest of them - “De Agallas”, “De Urumpta”, “De el Tumi”, “de Coatro Soles”. Purchasing a puppy bred in one of these kennels is very costly and not a quick matter, since quivering Argentines consider dogs of this breed a symbol of their country and even for big money rarely agree to sell and export a puppy abroad.

Nurseries and breeders

We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan