The dog breed American Cocker Spaniel is known and loved in Russia, as well as in their homeland - in the USA. Originally bred as hunting, they do an excellent job as a companion dog and show excellent results during sports competitions. Good-natured, balanced, active and small in size, dogs can get along in almost any family, including families with babies and pets. There are legends about the whirlpool eyes of the American Cocker Spaniels, the expression of which makes the owner forgive the dog for any pranks.

Американский кокер-спаниель

Photo of an American Cocker Spaniel |

Brief description of the breed

american cockers - proportional, long-haired dogs small size, high performance. Their height is about 35 cm for females and 38 cm for males. The weight of dogs is approximately 10-15 kg. Head: In proportion to the entire body of the dog, the skull is rounded, with well-defined superciliary ridges. Muzzle: Fairly broad, nose (brown or black) with developed nostrils, slightly almond-shaped dark eyes, strong scissor bite. The dog's ears are long, hanging, low set. Neck: Long, muscular, without dewlap. Body: American Cocker's strong back line runs downwards towards the lumbar region. The chest is deep and wide. Limbs: parallel, straight, with developed bones and muscles. The thighs are powerful. The paws of the dog are compact, large. Tail: often docked. Coat: slightly wavy or straight, short on the head, medium length on the body. Decorating long hair in American Cockers on the limbs, chest, stomach and ears. Color: black, light fawn, brown, red, black and tan, spotted (white with spots of other colors - brown, black, red). Life span: 12-15 years.


basic information

Breed name: American Cocker Spaniel
Country of origin: USA
The time of the birth of the breed: 19th century
Type of: retrievers, spaniels and water dogs
The weight: 10 - 15 kg
Height (height at the withers): 35 - 38 cm
Life Expectancy: 12 - 15 years old
ICF classification:
Group 8, Section 2, Number 167
Puppies price: 70 – 800 $
Most popular nicknames: list of nicknames for american cocker spaniel

Evaluation of the characteristics of the American Cocker Spaniel breed


(a definition meaning how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)

Shedding level

(Level and frequency of hair loss in the animal)

Tenderness level

(The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself)

Exercise needs

(Dog's daytime activity level)

Social need

(The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people)

Apartment content

(A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog)


(The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog)

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment

(Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment)

Tendency to bark

(Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume)

Health issues

(Potential health status of the dog)


(The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even his owner's car)

Friendliness to cats

(The tendency towards tolerance for cats and decreased manifestation of hunting instincts)


(The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!)

Education and training

(The level of difficulty in training the dog to perform certain actions)

Friendliness to children

(A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks)

Game activity

(The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs)


(The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory)

Friendliness to other dogs

(The tendency of the dog to find common language with his other relatives)



American Cocker Spaniel photo:

американский кокер-спаниель окрасы

Origins of the American Cocker Spaniel

The ancestors of modern American Cockers are english cocker spaniels, whose ancestors were long-eared, similar in descriptions hunting dogs hot Spain. And it is not known for certain where such dogs came from in the Iberian Peninsula. Presumably, they were imported from Asia Minor for hunters as assistants during the production of birds and small animals. And who and at what time brought the spaniels to the UK is unknown. It is believed that the first mention of the breed (dogs similar to English spaniels) dates back to the late 1690s. The breed received official recognition only 150 years later, during the exhibition dogs in Birmingham, England. Although the popularity in hunting circles among English cockers was colossal. According to some researchers, English Cocker Spaniels were imported into the territory of the modern state of the United States in the 18th century to participate in hunting, but then there was no question of breeding a new breed. And already in the 19th century, the descendants of the best representatives of the breed were systematically imported to America (for the work of breeders), which was the impetus for the creation of a new breed of dogs. - american cocker spaniel. In 1881, the American Spaniel Club was created, where they dealt with the problems of breeding American Cockers. Descended from their English ancestors, American spaniels were distinguished by their special exterior: thicker, longer and silkier coat (in comparison with English Cockers), large eyes, a bright transition from forehead to muzzle. American Cockers have attracted the attention of not only hunters, but also ordinary dog lovers due to their cheerful disposition, activity and friendly attitude towards people. Standard breeds was approved after World War II.


Personality of the American Cocker Spaniel

These dogs are distinguished by their innate intelligence, sense of tact towards the owner, friendliness to other animals in the house. Such a dog is ideal for both a single person and a large family. The American Spaniel certainly needs daily communication with the owner, so such a dog is hardly suitable for a person who does not have a single extra minute in between work. American Cockers are very active and playful, they love long walks and forays into nature. Get along well with calm, non-aggressive cats and dogs. They love playing with children. Well trained in training.


Maintenance and care

Due to their small size, American Spaniels can live in city apartments. It is possible for them to live in the open air in the presence of a fenced enclosure and a warm, draft-free kennel, provided that the mercury column does not take critical readings. Caring for the thick, luxurious coat of American Cockers requires some skill from the owner. In addition to daily brushing, the American Spaniel will need visits to the trimming salon for procedures to shorten the hair on the muzzle, ears, neck and paws. Non-show dogs are bathed as they get dirty no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks with special products (shampoos for long-haired dogs using balm, gel or oil after washing off the shampoo), provided that the owner will vigilantly monitor the condition of the coat (comb, cut, inspect dog after walking for the presence of dirt adhering to the coat, blades of grass, bloodsuckers). It is necessary to accustom a dog to a brush from the first days of her stay in the house, then the animal must get used to the need for bathing and drying with a hairdryer (at first, the dog may experience some discomfort from such procedures). By the way, almost all American Cockers love swimming in open water (after salt water, the dog should be bathed at home or at least rinsed with clean running water). The long ears of American Cockers are often tied up while eating to avoid food contamination.

The owner should pay due attention to the condition of the dog's eyes (they are prone to eye infections), monitor the health of the ears, timely carry out parasite prevention and vaccination. It will be difficult for a busy person, by definition, to properly care for an American Spaniel, not only because of the lengthy coat procedures, but also because these dogs require frequent and rather long walks (2 to 3 times a day for at least an hour). Cockers prefer active pastime to leisurely walks. - running, games with elements of training. Feeding American Cocker Spaniels does not involve any special subtleties. The owner's choice can fall on both high-quality industrial feed and self-cooked food (in which meat should prevail, boiled fish, cereals, vegetables, and cottage cheese should be present).


Training and education

Despite the fact that today American Cockers more often act as a person’s house friends, and in hunting they prefer dogs that do not require such careful coat care, nevertheless, training and training are important and necessary even for the pet that leaves the walls. houses or apartments just for a walk. And the training of the American Spaniel should begin from an early (2-3 month old) age. It consists in the process of getting used to the puppy to the world around him, people around, other animals. When the puppy goes through the process of socialization, the owner will be able to move on to training. A significant advantage of the American Cocker is that they are rather obedient dogs, grasping the commands of the owner on the fly.

American Cockers can be trained by their owner or be entrusted to an experienced trainer. It should be understood that for self-training of a dog, you will need the necessary platform, equipment, and certain knowledge in this area. These dogs take the General Obedience Course (OKD), General Education Course (OKW) or General Training Course (OKD) with the owner or an experienced dog handler. If the dog is acquired for hunting game, you should think about the training - a rather complex and lengthy process, which has a number of subtleties, which can only be taught by an experienced hunter or a professional trainer.


Health and disease of the American Cocker Spaniel

By nature, American Cockers are not sickly dogs, however, they are not immune from some complex diseases. The most common diseases of the breed are: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (a hereditary disease characterized by connective tissue dysplasia. Due to the disease, the dog's skin becomes excessively flabby, extensible, loses its strength and is easily damaged by mechanical (or other) injuries), dilated cardiomyopathy ( myocardial disease, which is characteristic for the most part of large dogs. However, among small dogs, it is Cocker Spaniels that also often suffer from such an ailment), eye diseases (retinal dysplasia, dry keratoconjunctivitis (dry eye syndrome), cataracts, etc.), ear inflammation (otitis media), skin diseases (atopy, allergic dermatitis and etc.), hypothyroidism (an endocrine disease caused by malfunctioning of the thyroid gland), urolithiasis (the formation of urolith stones in the bladder), epilepsy (a disease caused by damage to the brain and nervous system of a dog).

Some interesting facts

  • The very name of the breed contains the initial idea of its creation and breeding, since the “cocker”, according to some researchers, comes from the English word, which means “sandpiper”. Thus, the purpose of Cocker Spaniels was reflected. - hunting for marsh, water and other birds.
  • American Cocker Spaniels (along with English Cockers and cavalier king charles spaniels) are traditionally recognized as the best dogs for families with children. Their compact size will not affect the child in any way during the games, and activity and curiosity will allow the baby to play with the dog for a long time. They are considered universal - hunting, sports and just pets of their owners. American cockers cope with all tasks brilliantly. By the way, unlike its direct ancestor - English Cocker, during the formation of the American breed, attention was paid to the exterior of the dog, rather than hunting qualities, which gave the world a wonderful Cocker with sad and unusually intelligent eyes.

Nurseries and breeders

We borrowed material from the wonderful site of our partners  DOGCATFAN.COM about cats and dogs, the author dogcatfan